October 23, 2024
Alona Karpinska

We recently had the opportunity to interview Alona Karpinska, Founder of Karpinska PR Group, a PR company that specializes in offering exclusive solutions catering to individual client requirements.

Alona is also a certified member of several international organizations including GWPR, PRSA, PRCA, and the International Association of Journalists of Ukraine. Besides, she is a contributing author at Investing.com and an official partner of UAE Digital Fashion Week. Alona is passionate about researching new technologies and techniques for designing and creating virtual clothing.

In this insightful interview, the founder shares her visions behind building her business and how she plans to carry it forward.

Spark Behind Building The Business

We started the interview by asking, “What inspired you to establish Karpinska PR Group, and what vision did you have in mind?”

Alona shared, “Karpinska PR Group is the culmination of many years of work, merging the PRBA media agency (PR Blockchain Agency), the guaranteed news distribution service Pressman Wire, and the world’s top specialists in PR and marketing.

The genesis of our initial agency was sparked by the fusion of journalism and cryptocurrency. Journalism has always captivated me, owing to my mother’s profession, which provided valuable insights into the media. In 2016, my career took a new turn as I immersed myself in cryptocurrency mining and dedicated considerable time to studying this domain. Although I wrote about blockchain technologies and crypto projects, I struggled to comprehend their potential and lacked efficient means of promoting them.”

“Eventually, I reached out to journalists from major global publications, focusing on topics I covered and building relationships with tech journalists. This led to opportunities for coverage in Forbes, Investing, The New York Times, and other major outlets, thanks to the innovative nature of blockchain technology.

As a result, crypto startups and blockchain projects started approaching me for help with popularizing their ideas. In 2017, I created the first agency specializing in working with these startups, which eventually became known as Karpinska PR Group, thanks to our expanded expertise in various areas of PR.” She added.

Moments Of Success

We were intrigued to learn more about the triumphs of Alona Karpinska’s business. So, we asked, “Can you share a pivotal moment or success story that defined the trajectory of your businesses?”

She shared, “The agency’s development and my growth as a specialist were greatly influenced by the influx of projects from the real sector of the economy into the blockchain sphere. I never imagined working on such high-profile projects. Since there weren’t many PR specialists in this field, these opportunities gave me valuable experience, exposure, and financial growth opportunities.

Our agency had the privilege of working with projects in diverse sectors, including:

  • Automotive Construction
  • Space developments and satellite launches
  • Medical technology
  • The first humanoid robots
  • State European programs
  • Shipbuilding and shipyards
  • Filmmaking
  • The hotel industry
  • The precious metals and minerals market
  • African coffee plantations
  • Banks and funds
  • Applications and games
  • Blockchain and crypto startups

We assisted blockchain projects with ICO launches and media exposure. Our established connections allowed us to offer expert advice and PR services, attracting potential investors.”

Addition Of Services

We further asked, “Could you describe the moment you decided to expand into forming Karpinska PR Group and how you realized there was a need for such a service?”

Alona replied, “The decision to expand and create Karpinska PR Group marked a significant turning point in my career. I was frequently approached by companies and individuals seeking comprehensive PR services beyond my current capabilities. The growing demand for strategic communications, brand management, and media relations highlighted a substantial market gap for a specialized PR firm that could deliver these services at a high standard.

One particular instance that stands out is when a high-profile client presented me with a complex challenge that required a multi-faceted PR strategy. This included traditional and social media management, crisis communications, and event coordination.”

She further added, “To effectively address these diverse needs, I realized the importance of a dedicated team and structured organization. This led me to establish Karpinska PR Group, as I saw a need for comprehensive and customized PR solutions. With the right team and resources, we aim to make a significant impact on the industry.

Karpinska PR Group merges viral PR, metaverse marketing, video production, SMM, TikTok strategies, press releases, paid publications, influencer-driven digital services, and Wall Street boosting. The expanded availability of personal consultations now includes a wider audience, addressing market demands. Our consultations prioritize personal PR and crisis communications with multiple days per week dedicated to this purpose.”

Staying Ahead Of The Curve

To understand how Alona assesses the market trends and stays updated with the same, we inquired, “How do you stay updated on industry trends, and how does this knowledge benefit your clients?”

She shared, “We specialize in 80% of innovative projects, which necessitates a continuous engagement with the latest trends. For me, this commitment goes beyond the typical blog phrases about how ‘AI will become popular next year.’ It involves a systematic and in-depth exploration of current topics. For example, since December last year, I have been studying metaverses and digital fashion, and I have become the official PR partner of Dubai Digital Fashion Week.

My cryptocurrency experience led me to seek additional education and certification. Now, I can predict opportunities in metaverse marketing and will soon launch a dedicated department in my agency. Moreover, we are developing a virtual AI-powered PR specialist to help clients with PR strategies, media relations, content creation, and more. Our goal is to stay ahead of the curve by incorporating AI into our operations now, with the involvement of top-tier experts.”

Catering To Diverse Clientele

Eager to learn more about Alona’s approaches to crafting top-notch PR solutions, we asked, “Could you elaborate on your approach to creating effective PR strategies for diverse clients?”

Alona responded, “In the field of PR, there is no universal formula for success. Strategies that work for one project may not be effective for another. While I prefer not to delve into exhaustive theoretical discussions about developing PR strategies, the fundamental rule is to focus on achieving tangible results and carefully evaluate opportunities, resources, and potential consequences.

Expectations from PR are often unrealistic. PR cannot solve underlying issues within a company. My guiding principle for developing PR strategies is to utilize PR only when it is truly necessary; otherwise, rely on advertising. However, if your goal is to maintain an open relationship with the public, remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Crisis Management Approaches

We asked, “How does Karpinska PR approach crisis management, and can you share an instance where this expertise proved crucial?”

I oversee this area, supported by a team of content authors who are all bound by NDAs. We are legally responsible for ensuring the security of any information entrusted to us. This department handles only the most challenging situations, which often require collaboration with lawyers and law enforcement agencies.

One notable example is a high-profile case where we crafted a PR campaign to secure an international arrest warrant for a criminal who had stolen $30 million. It was a protracted battle lasting 1.5 years, but we ultimately achieved justice. This case is public and can be found on Google. Other complex crisis cases I handle include wrongful arrests of clients, international scandals and pressure, blackmail, and public accusations.

There is a discreet network of individuals, mainly businessmen and some political figures, who know about the support I can offer in specific situations. They reach out to me periodically, as our PR efforts aim to make my contact information available to those who trust me.” Alona said.

Building Media Relationships

To learn more about Alona Karpinska’s perspective on building media relations, we asked, “Can you shed light on the significance of fostering strong media relationships for your clients?”

Alona shared, “Building a connection with your audience is crucial, and the media is just one of the tools to achieve this. If you’re unwilling to handle it yourself, it’s wise to trust professionals. However, I often advise individuals who lack substantial budgets but are willing to invest time in building media relationships.

Establishing strong media connections is crucial for any business in the long term. Start by knowing the bloggers, journalists, and sources you already read and get inspiration from. There’s no need to initially target expensive media or influencers. Building genuine relationships is key.

To save on PR costs, engage with 5-10 notable individuals in your industry across different regions. Comment, share, and repost their content, and be genuine when wishing them on holidays. After consistently interacting for 6 months to a year, they may notice and support your important industry updates. This regular interaction can potentially save you a significant sum in PR expenses.

Evolution Of The PR Industry

To gather insights from Alona on the growth of the PR industry over these years, we asked, “In your opinion, how has the PR industry evolved over the past few years, and what trends do you foresee?”

She replied, “The PR industry swiftly adapts to emerging trends, making it easy to understand its evolution and future trajectory. By keeping track of global trends, you can be confident that new developments will soon be integrated into PR strategies.

The rise of newspaper circulation in the late 19th century was driven by manipulative tactics, notably by Edward Bernays, a pioneer in public relations who employed psychological principles. However, democracy has led to a decrease in this trend. We now have a decentralized media landscape where information freely flows, with large outlets incorporating personal blogs and expert columns, offering abundant resources.”

“Social networks have given everyone a voice, enabling experts to contribute to prestigious platforms like Forbes without buying expensive publications. Renowned outlets embrace the idea of guest experts, making it easy to share knowledge and views. In the future, one-sided PR will continue to decline as people become less receptive to manipulative tactics. Instead, individuals will only engage with content that interests them, making it harder to capture their attention.

The key to success will be creating viral events and engaging in meaningful dialogue. This shift will make social networks (76%) and online media (56%) the most effective communication channels. Public figures and bloggers (40%), webinars and live broadcasts on social networks (35%), and industry events (32%) will also play important roles. Overall, no major global shifts are expected soon, although the tools used may evolve.” Alona concluded.

Alona Karpinska: LinkedIn and Instagram.

Karpinska PR Group: LinkedIn and website https://karpinskapr.com/

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