October 22, 2024
Sana Guetari Trabelsi

Recently we had the chance to interview Sana Guetari Trabelsi, Co-founder of EduTainment Solutions, visionary leader, and highly accomplished professional in education, deeply concerned about how to shape the future. With a proven track record in driving educational innovation, Sana established herself as an industry trailblazer. Her area of expertise includes educational leadership, pedagogy, and strategic planning with a passion for harnessing the power of technology to improve outcomes.

Sana’s passion for creating inclusive, student-centered environments inspires all those educators and students. In this interview, Sana GuetariTrabelsi talks about her inspiring journey and shares insights into the landscape of education in changing times, as well as lessons along the way.

Spark Behind The Journey

We started the journey by asking, “What inspired you to co-found EduTainment Solutions, and how did your previous experiences in psychiatric clinic management and food quality control influence your approach?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi shared, “The inspiration to co-found EduTainment Solutions came from my experience as President of the Parents’ Association. I observed that, although schools and parents invest a great deal of effort into organizing events, the teams often lack specialized resources to manage them smoothly, without overburdening staff and parents. It often required finding people who were not necessarily trained for these tasks, briefing them, and training them each time, which significantly complicated the process.

At EduTainment Solutions, we bring specific expertise. We understand the expectations of parents, know how to involve students in these events, and design experiences that bring real added value. Our events allow students to see their school from a different perspective – not just as a place of education, but as a dynamic space that creates engaging and interesting events for both them and their parents. This helps strengthen the sense of community and belonging within the school.”

“My experience at Camali Clinic also helped me a lot, especially in incorporating awareness elements into our events. For example, if a school requests it, we can organize awareness activities on topics such as bullying, by bringing in psychologists or creating sub-events around these themes. Everything is tailor-made according to the needs of the school, as our goal is to offer events that meet the specific requests of each institution.

Finally, my background in food quality control has taught me the importance of rigor and flawless organization, which is essential when planning events and school projects. Every aspect of our work is designed to ensure impeccable quality and a successful experience for all stakeholders.” She added.

Addressing The Right Challenges

Challenges are an inevitable part of every industry. To learn how Sana GuetariTrabelsi’s company overcomes the same, we asked, “How does EduTainment Solutions address the unique challenges schools face in organizing both events and school-related projects, ensuring these are managed smoothly and deliver educational and entertaining experiences?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi replied, “EduTainment Solutions understands the unique challenges schools face not only in organizing events but also in managing school projects like class photos and yearbooks. We offer comprehensive solutions that go beyond on-site events. For class photos, for example, we manage the entire project from A to Z, with a team on-site to ensure the sessions run smoothly. We handle scheduling, safety, and logistics, making sure students are escorted safely and efficiently during the photo sessions.

Similarly, for the yearbook, we take care of everything from design to production, relieving schools of the burden. We provide turnkey solutions not just for events but also for school-related projects that engage both parents and students, such as class photos, yearbooks, graduation ceremonies, and school parties.

We specialize in organizing fun and educational events with a wide variety of games that cater to all age groups. From Montessori-inspired games that foster learning in young children to team-building exercises and strategic challenges for older students, our activities are designed to develop skills like collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership. This diversity ensures that every participant is engaged and entertained, no matter their age or interests.This diversity allows us to create memorable and enriching experiences for all participants.

Setting Apart From The Competition

To learn how Sana ensures her company stands apart from the competition, we asked, “What makes EduTainment Solutions different from other event companies?”

“One of the key factors that set EduTainment Solutions apart is that we are the only event company specializing exclusively in school events. We offer flexible package options, including a cost-free option where the entire event is organized at no expense to the school. The costs are covered by event attendees or sponsors, ensuring that schools can host high-quality events without adding any financial strain to their budgets.

We have plans where schools or parent associations do not pay anything upfront and can even generate revenue from sponsorships or other sources during the event. This makes us unique in offering solutions that not only avoid extra costs for schools but also provide opportunities for them to benefit financially. Our ability to blend educational value with entertainment, while offering free services to schools, is a key differentiator. Additionally, we provide fully managed solutions, so schools don’t need to worry about any logistics, allowing them to focus on their core educational responsibilities.” She responded.

Bridging The Gap

We further asked, “Can you share how your role as President of the Parents’ Association helped you identify gaps in the support schools need for event organization?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi replied, “During my time as President of the Parents’ Association, I gained firsthand experience of the challenges schools and parent associations face when organizing events. Despite having a large and motivated team, we often had to abandon event ideas simply because we lacked the necessary resources. While we had plenty of creative ideas, executing them required a great deal of personal time and effort, which was difficult as we were all volunteer parents.

We also understood that the school staff and administration had their projects to manage and couldn’t always provide us with the resources we needed. Each year, new volunteers would join the team, but this constant turnover meant we were always briefing and training new people, which slowed down the process. Despite our best efforts, there was always an amateur aspect to our planning, even though the events were successful and well-received by parents. By the end of the year, we were often exhausted and wished we could have done more.”

“It made me realize the need to come into partnership with a specialized company to ease the burden of planning school events. We had the ideas, but we needed support in executing them. By collaborating with an expert, the parent association can focus on its primary role—representing the interests of parents, addressing concerns, and working on other important projects—while the school can concentrate on its own initiatives and responsibilities. At the same time, both the parents and the school can be confident that event organization will be professionally handled by a company that understands the specific needs of the school environment.”

Wellness In Education

We were interested to learn how Sana includes mental and physical wellness in her services. So, we asked, “How do you incorporate your understanding of mental health and nutrition into the events and services EduTainment Solutions provides for schools?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi responded, “At EduTainment Solutions, we believe that student well-being is essential, and we incorporate elements of mental health and nutrition into our events and services to promote a holistic approach to education. My experience in psychiatric clinic management has given me a deep understanding of the mental health challenges students face, such as bullying, stress, and issues related to self-esteem. To address these concerns, we offer tailored events and sub-events that focus on raising awareness and providing support.

For example, we work closely with schools to organize awareness campaigns on topics like bullying, stress management, or mental well-being. These campaigns can include workshops, discussions led by psychologists, and interactive activities that encourage students to express themselves and engage with mental health topics in a safe and supportive environment. Everything is designed according to the specific needs of each school, ensuring that the activities are both engaging and meaningful.”

Sana further mentioned, “In addition to mental health, my background in food quality control allows us to integrate nutrition education into our events. We offer healthy food options during events and can organize activities that teach students about the importance of a balanced diet and how nutrition affects both their physical and mental well-being. Whether through fun cooking workshops or educational games, we make sure that students are learning valuable lessons about taking care of their bodies and minds.

Overall, our goal is to provide a comprehensive approach that supports both the educational and emotional needs of students. By integrating mental health and nutrition awareness into our events, we help schools create a positive environment where students can thrive both academically and personally.”

Unforgettable Moments ForEduTainment

We asked, “What are some of the most memorable events you’ve organized through EduTainment Solutions, and how did they contribute to student well-being?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi shared, “EduTainment Solutions is a young and dynamic start-up, having been founded less than a year ago. Despite our short existence, we are incredibly proud of the impactful events we have already organized, which have had a significant positive influence on students, parents, and school staff alike.

One of the standout events was the Family Day to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Lycée Français International de Dubaï (AFLEC), which brought together over 5,000 attendees. The event featured a diverse range of activities, including talent shows, quizzes, magic performances, a cultural village, and creative workshops. This event not only reflected the AFLEC slogan, ‘Three Languages, Three Cultures, and the Joy of Learning,’ but also showcased the many languages taught at the school and the cultural diversity present within the school. It helped strengthen the sense of community and pride within the school, while also giving older students, such as final-year students and interns, the chance to take on leadership roles, contributing to their personal development..”

“Another memorable event was the International Day at ICE Bilingual French International School, where parents and students worked together to celebrate cultural diversity. We collaborated closely with the school’s administration and parents to organize fun games and engaging activities that not only entertained but also promoted global citizenship. This event created a deep sense of belonging and inclusion among all participants.

Moreover, the first Yearbook for ICE Bilingual French International School, created in collaboration with EduTainment Solutions, captured the essence of the school year with class photos, key moments, and student achievements. This keepsake allowed students to reflect on their school experience and celebrate their milestones. As a young start-up, this project is a testament to our dedication to enriching students’ lives through a combination of education and entertainment. By bringing these elements together, we help students connect more deeply with their school, their peers, and their personal growth.” Sana shared.

Striking A Perfect Balance

Being a business leader and a mother at the same time can be a tough time, but Sana ensures she maintains the balance. So, we asked, “How do you manage to balance your entrepreneurial journey with your role as a mother and wife, and how has that shaped your leadership approach?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi shared, “Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs, I was always inspired by my father, who was a successful businessman. From a young age, I had the mindset of wanting to be an entrepreneur. However, as an expatriate woman with a husband who frequently traveled for work, I knew I needed to find a balance. I believed it was important for me to be present for my children, especially given my husband’s demanding schedule. I sought flexible hours so I could support my family while still pursuing my entrepreneurial goals.

While raising my children, I found ways to keep my entrepreneurial spirit alive through voluntary work. My role as President of the Parents’ Association allowed me to engage in leadership while remaining close to my children and their school community. This experience taught me a great deal about the needs of children, the importance of creating enriching experiences for them, and how these activities can have a positive emotional impact.”

“As my children grew older and became more independent, I felt the time was right to fully embrace my entrepreneurial journey. I wanted to take the skills and experiences I had developed in the school community and offer them to other educational institutions through EduTainment Solutions. My goal was to create events and projects that not only support schools but also bring joy and engagement to students, making school a more enjoyable place beyond academics.

Being a mother has shaped my leadership approach in many ways. I understand the emotional needs of children and how important it is for them to feel connected to their school through fun and meaningful activities. I also recognize the importance of creating a supportive environment for parents. Balancing my roles as a mother and entrepreneur has made me more empathetic, organized, and flexible, qualities that are essential in running a business while staying connected to family life.” She added.

Envisioning The Future, We asked Sana Guetari Trabelsi

We ended the interview by asking, “Looking ahead, what is your vision for the future of EduTainment Solutions, and are there any new areas you’re excited to explore?”

Sana Guetari Trabelsi replied, “Looking ahead, my vision for EduTainment Solutions is to expand into both the corporate and hospitality sectors. For hotels, we aim to create thematic days and offer tailored activities like Arts and Crafts, providing enriching experiences for children while their parents relax. For corporate clients, I see great potential in organizing family events, as these types of gatherings go beyond traditional employee events. By involving families, particularly children, these events can foster deeper connections among employees, reduce stress, and create a more cohesive and supportive work environment. When employees see each other in a family context, it can build trust and camaraderie, which ultimately strengthens team dynamics.”

“Family events in corporate spaces are becoming more important day by day with the increase in mental health awareness, allowing employees to de-stress and form bonds. It uplifts the overall feel-good quotient at a workplace and also increases productivity. The strategy is to extend services to English-speaking schools in the UAE and arrange inter-school competitions to generate friendship. Expansion into the GCC, I see the opportunity to bring our services to new markets, helping schools and businesses organize memorable events and projects.

Finally, I want to make it easier for schools to implement projects like yearbooks and class photos. These projects are not just about documenting the school year; they are about creating lasting memories that students can treasure for years to come. By offering streamlined solutions, EduTainment Solutions ensures that every student leaves with fond memories, whether through an unforgettable event or a cherished yearbook.” Sana concluded.

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