October 16, 2024
Ahmad Al Helo

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Ahmad Al Helo, a visionary entrepreneur and media expert with a passion for innovative storytelling. As the founder of one of the leading production houses, Sardal Studios, Ahmad has established himself as a driving force in the Middle East’s media landscape.

Ahmad’s commitment to nurturing fresh talent and adapting to the ever-evolving media landscape has earned him a reputation as a pioneering figure in the industry. In this interview, Ahmad shares his insights on the future of media, entrepreneurship, and the importance of staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing world.

The Beginning

We started the interview by asking, “How did you get started, and what led you to where you are today?”

Ahmad shared, “After graduating with a degree in Public Relations and Mass Communication, I pursued my passion in the media industry, joining Rotana Media Group, one of the largest broadcasters in the Middle East. Over four years, I progressed from researcher to producer, overseeing content creation for the Gulf sector.

Recognizing my interest in the business side of media production, I leveraged my expertise to establish my own company, Sardal Studios. We develop and pitch lifestyle program concepts – focusing on health, sports, cooking, travel, and business – to TV platforms and broadcasters. Our 360-degree approach encompasses content design, anchor selection, and execution. With a strong network and confidence gained from successful deals, I continue to explore local and international formats, adapting them for the Middle East market.”

Overcoming Major Challenges

Challenges are an inevitable part of every professional path. So, we asked, “What challenges have you faced as a business leader, and how have you overcome them?”

He replied, “As a production house operating in a highly competitive market, we are constantly challenged to differentiate ourselves and provide unique value to our clients. To stand out, we must offer exceptional services, uncompromising quality, and innovative approaches that captivate audiences. Securing partnerships with prominent clients, such as Abu Dhabi Media and Saudi TV, demands top-notch content that meets their stringent standards. Our greatest challenge lies in sustaining yearly growth, improving business development, and establishing a strong reputation that resonates within the industry.

Furthermore, the media landscape is shifting rapidly, with traditional advertising giving way to influencer marketing and social media. To adapt, we have refined our focus on discovering and nurturing new talent, providing opportunities for entrepreneurs and skilled individuals to showcase their charisma and skills. By prioritizing emerging talent over established celebrities, we create opportunities, drive growth, and foster a culture of innovation. Our commitment to empowering fresh faces has enabled us to stay ahead of the curve and maintain our competitive edge in an ever-evolving industry.”

Redefining Businesses With AI

To gather Ahmad Al Helo’s perspective on the growing popularity of AI and its application in every industry, we asked, “How do you see technology, especially AI, impacting your industry? Are there any innovative practices you’re implementing?”

The rise of new media presents both opportunities and challenges. Today’s youth, the majority demographic, crave easily accessible information through platforms like YouTube, Snapchat, and social media. However, credibility remains a crucial factor in our industry. While new media sources abound, trustworthiness and reliability are often compromised. The proliferation of hackers, fake accounts, and unprofessional content underscores the importance of verifying information through reputable sources.

As a content creator, we adapt to this shifting landscape while prioritizing credibility. Clients increasingly request bite-sized content, typically 1-1.5 minutes, for platforms like Instagram Reels, Snapchat, or Twitter. This reflects the decreasing attention span of modern audiences. To address this, we strategically reformat existing content into engaging segments, allowing viewers to choose what resonates with them. Our approach balances brevity with substance, ensuring that valuable information is conveyed efficiently. We recognize that not all content lends itself to segmentation, but for suitable formats, this strategy enhances user engagement and client satisfaction.” Ahmad shared.

Striking A Perfect Balance

We further asked, “How do you maintain a work-life balance while managing a business?”

Ahmad responded, “As an entrepreneur, separating personal and professional life is challenging. With immense responsibilities, including a team’s livelihood and financial obligations, it’s difficult to disconnect. My role demands constant availability, creativity, and problem-solving. I must always be prepared to address client needs, regardless of time or day.

While balance is essential, my business’s success takes precedence. I prioritize my health first, my family, and the business, in that order. Social life and personal time are secondary, taken only when possible. I work seven days a week, always ready to seize opportunities.

Employees can disconnect after hours, but entrepreneurs must be workaholics, adaptable, and responsive. I’ll sacrifice personal time for business growth, answering calls or messages at any hour. My commitment is unwavering: I will do whatever it takes to sustain and succeed.”

Future Of The Media Industry

We were curious to learn more about Ahmad Al Helo’s visions for the upcoming years of his industry. So, we inquired, “What are your views on the future of the industry you’re associated with?”

The media industry’s future is exceptionally challenging, with rapid transformations occurring within quarters or years. To thrive, entrepreneurs must adapt and diversify, avoiding limitations to a single area. Specialization is crucial, but offering complementary services can be beneficial. For instance, as a production expert, I’ve expanded into events, social media content, and documentaries, enabling me to stay updated and drive business growth.

Cash flow plays a vital role in sustaining this growth. Allocating a percentage of profits for future investments ensures sustainability, as our industry requires substantial investments – akin to a kitchen that constantly needs replenishment. To maintain momentum, consider diversifying services, building cash reserves, securing investors or bank financing, producing high-quality content, and demonstrating strong financial performance. By embracing adaptability and strategic planning, entrepreneurs can navigate the media industry’s challenges and achieve success.” Ahmad replied.

Words Of Wisdom For Beginners

We ended the interview by asking, “What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs or leaders looking to make an impact in your industry?”

Ahmad concluded, “To succeed in the media industry, focus on your passion, not just financial gain. Without genuine enthusiasm, you’ll struggle to sustain yourself beyond a few months or years. Instead, pour your heart into your work and capitalize on every opportunity, regardless of client size. Save and reinvest your earnings, especially in the first five years. As you grow, consider bringing in investors and diversifying your client base to mitigate risks. Remember, business inherently involves risk, and even prominent clients can withhold payment if quality suffers.

Fight for your passion, prioritize income growth, and resist the temptation to splurge on personal luxuries. Sustaining long-term success requires discipline and continuous investment in your business. In my view, a business should thrive for six to ten years before exploring new ventures and updating its skills. This prevents stagnation and fosters creativity.

Embracing change and innovation is crucial. Avoid routine by collaborating with fresh talent and entrepreneurs, giving them opportunities to grow under your guidance. Conduct thorough research, but don’t hesitate to trust and empower the next generation. They bring unique perspectives and skills, essential for ongoing success.”

Follow Ahmad Al Helo on LinkedIn.

Find Sardal Studios on LinkedIn and visit their website https://www.sardalstudios.com

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